Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sullivan County Barns

We are so lucky to have so many beautiful barns in Sullivan County. One in particular with three unique silos is at the junction of 220 and 42. Our little group headed out August 18th prepared to capture the barn floating in a field of corn. It could have been right out of Rogers and Hammerstein's song, "O What a Beautiful Morning" except for one very distracting element - CARS AND TRUCKS flying by us. Until you have experienced sitting out in the open on route 220 you have no idea how much traffic goes by that little intersection. At one point a piece of metal flew off one of the trucks and almost hit a very unsuspecting artist. Non the less, we prevailed and captured a fabulous barn. It did cause us to take pause about picking another roadside spot in the near future. Upon leaving after only two hours of painting and unable to hear what our fellow artists were saying sitting next to us... we welcomed with renewed pleasure the peace and quiet found on the mountain. Oh how lucky we are. (Hmmm... maybe next time we should paint the little green barn in town).

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